Dog Collagen Deficiency

There are many health problems that your dog can potentially suffer from as he grows older, both physically and otherwise, and the physical health problems that he experiences can certainly lead to other problems as well, such as depression. But there are many things that you can do for your dog throughout his lifetime that will increase his chances of staying healthy until much later in his life. To be sure, there are some diseases that affect dogs that no amount of care will prevent, as some diseases are hereditary and others may commonly affect a certain breed specifically. But there are plenty of health problems that you can prevent, and if not prevent at least diminish the affects from.
When it comes to old age in dogs, they suffer from many of the same problems that are associated with old age in human beings, and the way to avoid such problems is similar to how they are avoided in humans. Just as we need to maintain good health through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and periodic health screenings, we also have to maintain our dogs’ health through these methods as well. This may all sound very simple, but it is important to keep in mind that there are aspects of your dog’s health that you cannot see, and your dog cannot communicate to you how he feels or whether he is experiencing any abnormalities. One such aspect that is very important and that is certainly effected by old age is the collagen levels in your dog’s body.
Collagen is essentially a protein, a very important protein considering it makes up as much as 30 percent of the protein found in the body and as much as 75 percent of your dog’s skin. The collagen that is in your dog’s body is what is responsible for the level of elasticity in his joints, tendons, cartilage, skin, and ligaments. It is also the protein that determines the strength of your dog’s hair, bones, nails, and teeth. For most of your dog’s life he will produce enough collagen to maintain normal elasticity in all of these things and enough protein to maintain strength, but as he gets older the capacity to produce collagen diminishes, and the body suffers for it. After time your dog may begin to exhibit signs of even bigger problems that are caused by the lack in collagen that your dog will begin to suffer from as a result of the loss in ability to produce proper amounts. But although you cannot stop old age and the depletion of collagen in your dog, you can supplement the collagen he is losing. Much research has been done in recent years that has led to the determination that collagen supplementation can help improve a dogs skeletal and skin health, which is why collagen for dogs is being sold on the market these days, and growing in popularity quickly.
Dog Collagen Deficiency
Dogs age much differently than humans when it comes to the time factor, so old age for your dog is much younger than old age for yourself. That being said, old age for your dog in terms of aging is more like middle age. You would be surprised at just how early your dog can start suffering from insufficient collagen levels in his body. The effects will be difficult to notice at first, but it will not be long before you start to visibly notice pain when your dog moves in certain ways, depending on which areas of his body are being affected. For dogs suffering significantly you may see an increase in injuries and a decrease in mobility, but they will likely come on gradually. The problem with not being able to notice a deficiency in collagen until you begin to see the effects is that it is not as easy to improve collagen levels with collagen supplementation. This is why it is important to provide collagen supplements early in your dog’s life.
Dog Collagen for Better Dog Health
Collagen for dogs comes in the form of a salmon fish powder that can be added to their food. The powdered form supplement is designed to help your dog maintain healthy joints and tissues, and it is designed to maintain the health of his skin and prevent certain skin allergies. The powdered form of the supplement is developed in a way that makes the salmon collagen retain the important properties that make it effective. The collagen is essentially freeze-dried, which is why is loses water, but it is also what gives it the ability to rehydrate when water or other liquids are added to it. And in addition to maintaining health, collagen for dogs can also help to treat a number of other health problems, such as lupus, osteoporosis, arthritis, sponditis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, polymyositis, and tendonitis. The key to utilizing collagen to treat these things, though, is to catch them early or address the problems before they start. You can do this by supplying regular collagen supplements for your dog from a young age. Just be sure that you are buying a good, quality collagen supplement. Dog collagen is safe to use and do not produce any side effects, so they are one of the best options for maintaining your dog’s health for a lifetime.
Just like you cannot protect yourself from every disease that can potentially affect you and everything that old age may bring you, you cannot protect your dog from everything either. But just as maintaining good health is important for humans, it is also equally important for dogs. Dogs that are healthier will have less of a chance of dealing with health problems later in life; it is really as simple as that. Collagen is one of the things that you can provide for your dog that will help maintain his health in multiple ways, which is what you surely want for your beloved pet.